Friday, January 7, 2011

A week In.

Well, here we are, a week into January. A crazy week it was. School started back up and after a six week break it was SO tough getting back into school mode. Homework, studying, going to class, its an adjustment! I really have to stay focused these next two quarters. They are my last and I have to put everything I have into them because there is no more time to fix any mistakes. I am super exhausted from this week so tonight is my night off. I have some work for my internship to do tomorrow as well as work at Carrabba's all weekend.

Brian's homecoming is quickly approaching. We have our cabin booked for our weekend away and I can't wait for him to be home. The past 6 months have been a roller coaster for us as a couple and for us as individuals. There have been bumps in the road that we needed to be there for one another and we have had to learn how to do that on the other side of the world. There have been nights I have just curled up in a ball and squeezed myself wishing his arms were around me. I play the image of him walking towards me at the airport over and over and still have no idea how I am going to react or feel. I am not but a few weeks away and cannot believe it is so close. I have been waiting for 6 months to be at this point and just cannot wait to have him back in town. Get to go to dinner, cuddle and watch movies or just be able to call him.

I talked to my counselor about upping my dose of meds. I am currently on 10 mg but I think I am going to go up to 20 during the winter months and probably just through the next 6 months until graduation. There is just a lot going on and a lot that is going to be going on. My counselor said it wouldn't be a bad idea so I am going to call the doctor this coming week about it.

2011 is going to be great. I will not settle for anything less.