Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Starting Out

Hello World.

I have decided to blog, I feel like its almost like Xanga again. haha. I loved Xanga and being able to tell everyone about my day and my feelings. So here I am, in 2010, blogging. I will start off with a little about myself.

I've been around for 20 years and learned a lot. I've been told I am pretty mature for my age but have had many say I am immature. My outlook on it, you can't be serious your whole life nor do you know how to handle each situation you encounter perfectly. I am the middle child of three. I have a sister who is 7 years older than me and another sister who is 17 months younger than me. Being raised in a house with three girls there was a lot of competition and drama. But we have all grown up since then. I am an aunt to an adorable 2 1/2 year old nephew who can put a smile on my face no matter how terrible of a day I have had. I've never broken a bone or been in a near-death experience.

Currently I am a junior in college. I have no idea what I want to do with my degree after graduation but I trust I will guided in the right direction. I have been in love and there is no feeling like it. We have recently broken up and it has been one of the hardest experiences of my life. He is an amazing person inside and out, he has his flaws, but so do I. Our personalities clash at times but that happens with me and my parents too. I have my trust in God that He will help me through this and have things the way they are meant to be. I am sure I will blog plenty about my current situation with the man who I truly believe is the one for me. I feel as though many people can relate to relationship stories and to hear that others are going through the same things as they are or have gone through before, only helps.

Well cheers to my first blog. It's homework time for me considered I did nothing at all during my snow day today. My back deck and ruler say there are 12 inches of snow. Not bad. I still want to go sledding. :)

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a GREAT idea! I like that you are doing this. Keep it up, and good luck with everything in your life.
