Monday, March 22, 2010

West Virginia, Mountain Mama

What a life. What a weekend. My parents spent the last week cruising the seas visiting the Caymen Islands, Mexico, Honduras and Belize. I had a week of taking care of pets, studying for finals, and working. I got straight A's which was the highlight of my quarter! The worst quarter emotionally was the best for me academically. strange. haha

Well I took the advice of my counselor and created new memories in a place that Eric and I used to have them. Saturday night Nicole called me and said we were going on a road trip. I met her at her apartment after work and we were off to Chilicothe. We stopped by Wal Mart, got some Monster and Taylor Swift's "Fearless" cd and started a late late night! Her friend Matt was coming to visit for the weekend and bringing his friend Ben. Nicole and I were going to meet them and then have them follow us back to her place. Long story short, we ended up crossing the bride into west virginia and traveling down the same roads that Eric and I had 7 months ago for our white water rafting trip. Memories filled my mind, but as Tay Swift filled the air with her songs of strength and life, I filled my lungs with air and sang the words with 100% force behind them. I cannot even begin to express how GREAT it felt. To not have a care in the world, be sitting next to my best friend, and covering the roads I once traveled before, with new tire tracks. I have never felt so free or alive.

This is only the beginning of something beautiful. Everyone is telling me they haven't seen me this happy in years and that single looks good on me. I am definitely believing that. Single does look good on me, looks like I need a new pair of shoes to go with it :)

1 comment:

  1. West Virginia, Mountain Momma - take me hooooooome country roads!!!!!! Just think of me whenever you think of WV :) I <3 that crazy state!
