Thursday, February 25, 2010

Owen :)

So its been a rough couple of days. I felt like my life was becoming a landslide. One huge chunk goes missing and the rest of it comes crumbling down. Things are NO WHERE near where I wish they would be, but there's been one special little boy who managed to brighten my day and get me to laugh.

Erin asked if I could pick up Owen yesterday from daycare. I agreed and it was the best decision I could have made. I got a little teary eyed at certain points during the evening because I wanted nothing more than for Eric to be there and see all of the new things Owen was doing and saying. Eric used to come with me on Mondays while Erin and Andrew went to a class. We'd always have a blast and I loved watching the two of them play. Anyways, Owen and I were in the bathroom because he had to go potty...and he did! in the potty!! I was so proud of him!! We get to goofing off and he climbs up onto my lap and squeezes my face with his hands and I start talking, immediately he begins cracking up. We sat in the bathroom for 20 minutes just cracking up repeating this over and over. No one had been able to get my to genuinely laugh like that in a month. The rest of the night was spent chasing him around acting like a dog, being tackled, and sharing lots of laughs.

Owen's two years old and has an effect on me like no one else. He's so innocent (his mother may not agree! ;) ) he doesn't have a care in the world and just has so much love to give. He doesn't realize it, but he has helped me tremendously during the toughest time of my life.

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